



Nosce te ipsum (拉丁文的意思是know thyself, 认识你自己)

今天我在阅读英国哲学家Thomas Hobbes(1588-1679)的传世著作:Leviathan: of Man and Common-wealth(中文译名:《利维坦:论人类和国家》,据说这本书被评为美国哈佛,耶鲁,MIT等著名大学图书馆学生借阅排名前十,有的大学甚至是排名第一)时,遇到拉丁文Nosce te ipsum, 英文的意思是read thyself, know yourself。 后来一查资料,原来nosce te ipsum 还有另外一个近义词拉丁文:Temet Nosce。 在这里有必要解释一下各个拉丁文的意思。   nosce = noscere = get to know, learn, find out, become cognizant;    te = I, you/he/she/it,取决于te所指的对象 (amo te, ama me 我爱你,请你爱我。)   ipsum是中性词,阴性词是ipsa, 阳性词是ipse, 意思是him/her/it/yourself   temet的意思是yourself  所以,nosce te ipsum 和 temet nosce的意思是 know yourself 认识你自己。 有关nosce te ipsum 和 temet nosce, 还有以下摘录的一段英文, 供大家参考: Nosce Te Ipsum is an ancient Latin and Greek aphorism meaning "Know Thyself". A saying that has passed through time, serving as a reminder of each individual's own divine self. To "Know Thyself" one must embark on a journey to find inner peace as well as purpose; to see thyself as thy truly are, through a non-judgmental eye. It serv...

The comparisons of AP biology, IB biology and SAT II biology 三门生物学考试对比(AP生物学,IB生物学,SAT II生物学)

Thanks to Albert Einstein, especially for his adage above Let's compare the three biology disciplines: AP biology, IB biology and SAT II biology. As we know the AP biology means advanced placement biology for students who are going to present his or her interest and potency of biology to the ideal university admission officials for their preference of selection as well as the credit waiving  after being admitted. AP biology covering topics from cellular biology, genetics, molecular biology, plant and animal physiology, chemistry, ecology, to evolution etc, challenge students about their understanding of not only basic concepts, applications, but also inferences and analytical skills. So AP biology asks students to present good mastering knowledge of biology, requiring them to have a high quality of mnemonics about how to remember so variety of biological information within relatively short period of time, such as one term, several months. It is a real chall...


作为一个教授心理学的培训老师,我曾先后教授AP心理学,IB心理学. 首先,我来简要介绍一下这两门风格迥异的心理学课程。AP心理学是申请美国大学的学生为了提高心仪大学录取的概率以及将来就读大学后,可以代替相应学分。IB心理学是国际学士文凭心理学的简称,一般英联邦国家比如英国加拿大澳大利亚新西兰以及中国国内的国际学校(比如加拿大国际学校)等学校会学IB课程。 IB心理学的主要内容包括:心理学研究的方法和伦理;Biological level of analysis(BLOA)即从生物学的角度来分析心理;Cognitive level of analysis (CLOA)即从认知的角度来分析心理;Sociocultural level of analysis(SCLOA)即从社会文化的角度来分析心理。BLOA,CLOA和SCLOA是IB心理学的必考部分。另外选考部分有:Abnormal psychology变态心理学(即分析诸如depression抑郁症);developmental psychology 发展心理学(即分析人的不同年龄发展阶段的不同心理状态);Sport psychology运动心理学(即研究人在运动状态下的心理状态)等等。 与AP心理学需要学生记住大量心理学专有名词以及相应的含义和内容并做好区分鉴别不同,IB心理学主要考察学生的批判性思维,即学生从不同角度,主要是上面提到的三个角度(BLOA,CLOA和SCLOA)来分析一个心理现象,比如抑郁症。就是说一个人得了抑郁症,有可能有很多原因导致,比如生物生理方面的原因,大脑脑垂体分泌比较多的抑制性神经递质,比如GABA等等,所以得了抑郁症;而从认知的角度看抑郁症,可能是该抑郁症患者的认知能力发生了变化;再者,从社会文化的角度来看抑郁症,则可能是与社会的状态,是否是集体性文化,还是强调个性文化等等相关。 即使在探讨BLOA生物学水平的分析,比如H.E 这个癫痫患者,做了包括海马在内的大脑部分切除手术,他只能记住手术前的事情,而手术后,H.E.只能短时间记住某些事情,不久就会忘记,尽管H.E.能从事步骤性的操作,这给研究人的大脑的科学家提供了绝好的研究对象。即使是H.E.这样的患者,在科学家得出海马是人体大脑负责记忆的部分的结论时,我们仍然会从伦理学,样本量太小,无法得...