

目前顯示的是 2019的文章

《论自由意志On free choice of the will》Libido贪欲是恶的来源(1) 阅读录影20200101 111443

哈尔滨冰雪大世界--(1)20191223 100538


SSAT词汇类比题难题讲解(page, diamond, draft)-- 20191212 102906


SAT OG Test 3 Reading Q1-10特立独行性格古怪的Carlotta女士20191103 103550 0000 38m23s

SAT OG Test 3 Reading Q1-10特立独行性格古怪的Carlotta女士20191103 103550 0000 38m23s

马未都:掏心话 人生的意义


哈佛大學75年的研究 - 什麼人最可能成為人生贏家?



SAT Math Polynomial 2 SAT数学多项式的题目讲解 2

SAT Math Polynomial 1 SAT数学多项式的题目讲解 1

SAT Math Polynomial 1 SAT数学多项式的题目讲解 1

AP Statistics统计学 Z值的题目讲解




SAT OG Test 1 Reading Question 32-41(adapted from Virginia Woolf, Three ...

SAT小说类文章的阅读讲解(SAT OG Test-1 Reading Question 1-10)





SSAT Quantitative Reasoning Files For SALE--SSAT数学推理题试题(46套), 欲购从速

SSAT Reading Comprehension Files for SALE 阅读题(46套), 内部资料,提分快速,欲购从速

SSAT verbal reasoning lecture files for purchase --SSAT词汇题讲义(46套题)预购从速


11,真理的终结 0006 32m35s

2,Character and Intellect品性和智慧--智慧书 by Grancia葛拉西安(西班牙)


1,智慧书 万物已近极致


Cognitive Level of Analysis, IB Psychology, April 7, 2019


英语单词词根词缀快速记忆法(1) 第1节

AP Psychology--AP 心理学备考内容(中文讲解)

How to make use of Pythagoras theorem to answer a question


How to prove sina^2+cosa^2=1

Nosce te ipsum (拉丁文的意思是know thyself, 认识你自己)

今天我在阅读英国哲学家Thomas Hobbes(1588-1679)的传世著作:Leviathan: of Man and Common-wealth(中文译名:《利维坦:论人类和国家》,据说这本书被评为美国哈佛,耶鲁,MIT等著名大学图书馆学生借阅排名前十,有的大学甚至是排名第一)时,遇到拉丁文Nosce te ipsum, 英文的意思是read thyself, know yourself。 后来一查资料,原来nosce te ipsum 还有另外一个近义词拉丁文:Temet Nosce。 在这里有必要解释一下各个拉丁文的意思。   nosce = noscere = get to know, learn, find out, become cognizant;    te = I, you/he/she/it,取决于te所指的对象 (amo te, ama me 我爱你,请你爱我。)   ipsum是中性词,阴性词是ipsa, 阳性词是ipse, 意思是him/her/it/yourself   temet的意思是yourself  所以,nosce te ipsum 和 temet nosce的意思是 know yourself 认识你自己。 有关nosce te ipsum 和 temet nosce, 还有以下摘录的一段英文, 供大家参考: Nosce Te Ipsum is an ancient Latin and Greek aphorism meaning "Know Thyself". A saying that has passed through time, serving as a reminder of each individual's own divine self. To "Know Thyself" one must embark on a journey to find inner peace as well as purpose; to see thyself as thy truly are, through a non-judgmental eye. It serv...


以下是真人真事,发生在公元2019年1月22日,中国,北京。 V先生在晚高峰期间,乘坐地铁,遇到一个长时间大声讲电话的大神。 V先生及其他同车厢的乘客一直在忍。。。。。。 (配图,与本文无关) 大神:你说这又扣1600,那不是白干吗?我们又不傻。 大神:那个傻X,一开始要大家把身份证上交,说去工行一起办理。。。;后来又说不办了,你说这是什么事儿? 大神:真是“将熊,熊一窝”,TMD, 傻X。。。 终于V先生没忍住,提醒该大神:“请您小点声音讲电话。” 大神:关你什么事?你多管什么闲事? V先生:地铁车厢是公共场所,请注意公德。 大神:我有跟你说话了吗?你管什么闲事? V先生:如果你是在你家,你随意什么说都可以,这是公共场合,你说话要注意用词,讲电话声音不能打扰别人。 大神挂了电话,然后说出惊人之语: 我说什么是我的言论自由,用不着你来教育我。你谁啊? V先生:这是公德,不是言论自由。你得弄清楚,什么是公德,什么是言论自由。 大神:我看你吃饱撑的,有本事咱们下车,看我不整死你! 大神走到V先生跟前,想要动手。 大神:你他妈的算老几啊? V先生:你想干什么?这地铁里和地铁站到处是摄像头,你的一举一动,都被记录着。 大神一听,不敢动手了。 车厢里的男男女女,只顾低头玩手机。。。 V先生:你不要以为大家不做声,就代表大家都默许你大声讲电话。 沉默的力量,不可低估。 终于,一位大姐发话了,朝着大神斥责:你蛮横不讲理是不对的。(此处应该有掌声) 大神不理会大姐,指着V先生说:让你多管闲事,操! 很快,地铁到达换乘车站了,大神拎着他的白色塑料桶,站在V先生的后面排队。 等地铁到站开门后,大神拎着他的白色塑料桶,赶超过V先生以及前面其他乘客,抢着登上地铁,他期待着能抢占个好座位。

Why should men be ambitious and aggressive?男士为什么要努力?

Today I am gonna to present one of the answers ,from the perspectives of biology and physiology such as ovulation(forming an egg) and fertilization (egg fertilized by sperm), to the questions: Why are females so critical and why should men be ambitious and aggressive? Let's study the structure of human sperm, please refer to Figure 1. below. Figure 1-1. Structure of human sperm Figure 1-2. Structure of human sperm The most important part of human sperm is the acrosome which contains enzymes that digest the zona pellucida around the egg. In  Figure 2. Structure of a mature human egg, we can find the function of zona pellucida of human egg is that it protects egg cell and RESTRICTs entry of sperm.  Here is the point. The zona pellucida's restriction of entry of sperm is to prevent ANOTHER sperm to come into the egg if the egg has been fertilized, or one sperm has come into the egg. This fertilized sperm is so LUCKY. Congrats! Again please refer ...

Biology Endocrine system内分泌系统(美国高中生物教材)

SSAT reading SSAT阅读

ACT reading ACT阅读讲解

The comparisons of AP Biology, IB Biology and SAT II Biology

The comparisons of AP biology, IB biology and SAT II biology 三门生物学考试对比(AP生物学,IB生物学,SAT II生物学)

Thanks to Albert Einstein, especially for his adage above Let's compare the three biology disciplines: AP biology, IB biology and SAT II biology. As we know the AP biology means advanced placement biology for students who are going to present his or her interest and potency of biology to the ideal university admission officials for their preference of selection as well as the credit waiving  after being admitted. AP biology covering topics from cellular biology, genetics, molecular biology, plant and animal physiology, chemistry, ecology, to evolution etc, challenge students about their understanding of not only basic concepts, applications, but also inferences and analytical skills. So AP biology asks students to present good mastering knowledge of biology, requiring them to have a high quality of mnemonics about how to remember so variety of biological information within relatively short period of time, such as one term, several months. It is a real chall...