今天我在阅读英国哲学家Thomas Hobbes(1588-1679)的传世著作:Leviathan: of Man and Common-wealth(中文译名:《利维坦:论人类和国家》,据说这本书被评为美国哈佛,耶鲁,MIT等著名大学图书馆学生借阅排名前十,有的大学甚至是排名第一)时,遇到拉丁文Nosce te ipsum, 英文的意思是read thyself, know yourself。 后来一查资料,原来nosce te ipsum 还有另外一个近义词拉丁文:Temet Nosce。 在这里有必要解释一下各个拉丁文的意思。 nosce = noscere = get to know, learn, find out, become cognizant; te = I, you/he/she/it,取决于te所指的对象 (amo te, ama me 我爱你,请你爱我。) ipsum是中性词,阴性词是ipsa, 阳性词是ipse, 意思是him/her/it/yourself temet的意思是yourself 所以,nosce te ipsum 和 temet nosce的意思是 know yourself 认识你自己。 有关nosce te ipsum 和 temet nosce, 还有以下摘录的一段英文, 供大家参考: Nosce Te Ipsum is an ancient Latin and Greek aphorism meaning "Know Thyself". A saying that has passed through time, serving as a reminder of each individual's own divine self. To "Know Thyself" one must embark on a journey to find inner peace as well as purpose; to see thyself as thy truly are, through a non-judgmental eye. It serv...
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